The state of Texas outlines guidelines for each grade level pre K-12. Each new grade level section builds upon the previous grade level section in a scaffolding effect. The technology applications are spiraled to ensure students can gain understanding over several years.
The TEKS for Pre-K lay the foundation for each level by having students learn the basic knowledge needed to build upon. While the Pre-K TEKS are not divided into domains as other grades are, they still have guidelines that must be followed. Pre-K students are expected to learn the basics of technology. Learning how to double-click a mouse, use computer vocabulary, and interact with story books are examples of the TEKS to be mastered.
An example of the scaffolding effect is TEK 4 (A):
In kindergarten, TEK 4(A) states that students are expected to acquire information by applying keyword searches. In the third-fifth grade cluster, the TEK states that students are to apply appropriate search strategies in acquiring information including keyword and Boolean searches. In the sixth-eighth grade cluster, students are expected to use strategies to locate desired information from LANs, WANs, Internet, Intranet, and collaborative software. In the high school cluster, students are to use the acquired information in resource sharing and research. By high school, students should have mastered the skills needed to acquire information to produce high-quality, grade-level appropriate research and written products.
Each of the other TEKS are developed similarly so that students can build and develop a foundation to allow them to thrive in technology for the future.