Sunday, November 29, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

STaR Chart - Liberty Hill ISD

In 2004, the state of Texas developed an on-line resource tool called the Texas Teacher STaR chart. It was tool for teachers to do self assessments on their technology usage/knowledge. School districts are also given reports to track usage and progress towards the long range technology plan of 2006-2020. The STaR chart is broken down into four main areas : Teaching and Learning; Educator Preparation and Development; Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support; and Infrastructure for Technology. In my opinion, the most important area for Liberty Hill HS is Teaching and Learning. Teaching and learning involves six catagories: Patterns of classroom usage – in which teachers are asked if the students use technology to become student lead or directed learning activites; Frequency/design of instructional setting used for digital content – teachers are asked how often technology is used in their classrooms; Content area connections – Teachers are asked if technology is a suppliment or used in conjunction with content area objectives; Technology application (TEKS) implementations – How knowledgable are the teachers to the fact that TEKS are in place for the teachers to follow in technology; Student mastery of TEKS – tweachers are asked what pecentage of students have masterd the TEKS; and Online learning – Teachers are asked how often they utilize on-line activities for their students.
Liberty Hill HS has scored a total of 13, 11, and 12 the last three years of STaR chart polling. I feel that this area should be improved upon by our district and our teachers. I know teachers, we like to be prepared for changes and for our lessons. If we implemented more technology in our classes, we ourselves would become more proficient with technology preparing ourselves for teaching the students. We would also be more attentive and more willing to attend technology training to become profcient.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Week 1 assignment part 4 - TEKS

The state of Texas outlines guidelines for each grade level pre K-12. Each new grade level section builds upon the previous grade level section in a scaffolding effect. The technology applications are spiraled to ensure students can gain understanding over several years.

The TEKS for Pre-K lay the foundation for each level by having students learn the basic knowledge needed to build upon. While the Pre-K TEKS are not divided into domains as other grades are, they still have guidelines that must be followed. Pre-K students are expected to learn the basics of technology. Learning how to double-click a mouse, use computer vocabulary, and interact with story books are examples of the TEKS to be mastered.

An example of the scaffolding effect is TEK 4 (A):
In kindergarten, TEK 4(A) states that students are expected to acquire information by applying keyword searches. In the third-fifth grade cluster, the TEK states that students are to apply appropriate search strategies in acquiring information including keyword and Boolean searches. In the sixth-eighth grade cluster, students are expected to use strategies to locate desired information from LANs, WANs, Internet, Intranet, and collaborative software. In the high school cluster, students are to use the acquired information in resource sharing and research. By high school, students should have mastered the skills needed to acquire information to produce high-quality, grade-level appropriate research and written products.

Each of the other TEKS are developed similarly so that students can build and develop a foundation to allow them to thrive in technology for the future.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Part 3: Long range plan

For the next part, we had to analyze the Long range plan for technology. What I gathered from that is that districts as well as administrators need to prepare for the present and the future of technology by providing resources, staff development, infrastruture, and curriculum that supports the technological growth of our future students. We ensure the growth of each district by completeing a STaR chart each year to do a yearly evaluation of our current status. As an administrator, I would first try to secure the proper infrastructure and current technologies. Second (and most important) I would provide time and training for my teachers to implement this technology. Technology is only as good as the person that uses it, so I would make my staff as competent as possible so our students can be compatnant also.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Lamar 5352 week 1 assignment

For my very first ever Blog, I have been directed to write a reflection of my technological assessments. The first self-assessment I used the TEA : Technology Applications Inventory. For the inventory, I thought I scored above average. In the first domain - foundations - I answered yes on 14 out of 18 questions. In the second domain - Information acquisition - I answered yes on 6 out 10. The third domain - solving problems - I answered 11 out of 18 yes. The fourth domain - communication - I answered yes on 7 out of 12 questions.
In the second survey from SETDA, I did the teacher survey. Most of the findings were similar to the TEA findings.

In all, I feel I have a better than average background in technology. I have used word processors, spreadsheets, databases, and some publishing programs in my work and at home. I know how to use search engines and how to decide on which information is fairly accurate and which is not. I feel that I am lacking in some video editing skills. I can upload videos to a program and edit those, yet I cannot add other multimedia to the presentations (audio, graphics, etc). I also do not utilize technology enough in my classroom when it comes to projects, assignments, etc. I use technology to present materials to my classes but not for student uses. After doing the assigned readings and watching the videos for this class, I am hoping to learn how to effectively use technology better to reach today's society.